Introducing this website

This community archive is a resource for the history of the 19th century working class movement known as the Primitive Methodists.  Here you can browse through photos, memories, stories and historical information, and find out more about people and places connected with the ‘Ranters’.

Many people have Primitive Methodist ancestors. In 1906 there were 210,173 members in Britain, about 10,000 in Australia and another 10,000 in Canada.  Primitive Methodism has its roots in John Wesley’s open air preaching, which began in the mid 18th century. In 1932 it united with other branches to become the Methodist Church of today.  Here is a short introduction.

About us

This website is created by a group of volunteers at Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive Methodism. We’re always interested in new recruits, so if you’re interested please contact us.

Contributing to the site

You can add a comment about anything on the website by clicking on the ‘Add a comment’ link at the bottom of each page. You can also submit your own photos, stories or information to the site by using our contribution form.

Comments about this page

  • Good afternoon from Australia! This is a brilliant site.

    I’m conducting some family history research, and have found that all 10 children of the Jenkins family were baptised in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in Morrice (sometimes Morice) Street, Devonport (sometimes Plymouth Dock), Devon. All 10 baptisms took place between 1821 and 1840, before the construction of Devonport Morice Town Primitive Methodist chapel, Herbert Street began in 1858. I’m not even sure if the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in Morrice Street was a “Primitive Methodist” chapel.

    Do you have any information?

    By Linda Venn (29/11/2023)
  • I have just started researching the history of my cottage and according to the Tithe maps of 1843 my cottage was listed as having a ‘Ranters Chapel’, I trying to find out more details, my cottage is in Thirsk North Yorkshire, interesting but when it was refurbished 6 years ago an old alcove was discovered of stone which could be related to its history, any advice or information would be helpful

    By Deborah (17/12/2022)
  • Cynthia,

    There is no general archive that I am aware of that takes family bibles. What may be of interest is the information relating to the presentation. It would be interesting if you could take a picture of that page and post it on the site using the contribution form. Did your father in law go on to become an active church member in later life?

    By Geoff Dickinson (16/02/2021)
  • In searching some old photos and documents etc.I have found a Holy Bible issued to my Father in Law Thomas Leslie Speed in 1924 by Hampton Heath Sunday school. I wondered if there was an archive that I could send it to?

    By Cynthia Speed (14/02/2021)

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